• Member Since 15th May, 2016


A hobbyist in digital art, strolling here to do some reading! Ask nicely and I just might draw one for you XD

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  • Featured 23560 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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It's the oldest chocolate shop in Equestria, the very first -- and on this night, it's also out of business. The final treats have been sold, the vultures have already begun to circle the equipment, and the proprietor polishes the remains out of pure habit while wondering what to do with her life. But that question will have to wait, as she has one more customer to take care of.

The very first.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.
Cover art by Pikamander2.

Chapters (1)

After realizing her dream of earning her cutie mark—in the company of her best friends, no less—Scootaloo’s life should have been on an upward course. Instead, she sees herself on yet another crusade, one which will lead her to question her friends, her family, and what it means to love, and be loved. — Takes place immediately after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" (S05E18).

New to the story? Start with the Recap Chapter!

Chapters 1-36 written by jowijo. Chapters 37+ written by myself. Information here.

(Need more? Scrapped chapters)

Dreams of Ponies (21-36)
Level Dasher (36)
brokenimage321 (1-23;31)
Eruantalon (21 & 22)
JackRipper (26, 29, 31)

I Thought I Was Toast (31-37)
TheGreatEater (1-24)
Krack-fic Kai (37)
jowijo (37)

Chapters (45)

Button Mash finds a video game that kills him in real life if he dies in the game.

He can't stop playing it.

Proofread by BootyPopperzZz and DrOcsid.
Edited by Dreams of Ponies.
Original source image by yuji8sushi, the artistic trashy edits were done by yours truly.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Monster Below

*If you'd like to purchase a physical copy of this story, click here*

Two years have passed since Silverspeak's dream to become an Alicorn ended in failure and tragedy. But his efforts to rebuild his life are interrupted when Queen Chrysalis launches an all-out war of espionage, subterfuge, and infiltration on Equestria. With fear and paranoia running rampant, Silverspeak struggles to protect his family, eventually finding a way to end the war – and Chrysalis' threat - forever. But to do so will come at a terrible cost, and Silverspeak is once again forced to make choices no pony should ever have to make, and to decide how far he'll go to protect those he loves...regardless of the consequences.

Cover art by Silfoe.

Edited by:


We were featured on the front page! Thanks to everyone who helped it get there!

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to What Happens When You're Gone?

On the way to the skate park with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash needs to make a pit stop at the DMV to fix a discrepancy in her Driver's License. While Dash is filling out the application, Scootaloo finds out that her older sister's middle name was never actually Danger in the first place.


Inspired by the one time Dash introduced herself as "Rainbow Danger Dash." Please forgive me.

Edited and proofread by UniqueSKD.

EDIT: Featured 10/18/16. Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Featherweight saved Princess Twilight Sparkle's life, the least she can do is let him take her out for dinner. Spike and Rumble, on the other hoof, believe this to be a bad idea. Together, they'll hatch a plan to avert what is sure to be an unmitigated disaster.

Rated Teen for

Relationship Troubles
More Relationship Troubles

Chapters (1)

Twilight had taken the responsibility to watch over 3 certain fillies for the night. Twilight plans on telling scary stories for the night, an the fillies claim they aren't scared of any stories, so Twilight makes a bet, that if the fillies can withstand the whole night, they'll get a reward. They sure do have a surprise coming at the end.

Remember to like if favorited

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo never knew her parents. She always thought that she was an orphan, that is, until one day, the truth is revealed to her, by somepony she never would have guessed to be any relation to. How will she handle it when she meets her biological mother for the first time?

Better yet, why did they give her away? All of her questions will be answered in lieu of time.

Proofread by: HopeForTheFew
Written by: Ribe is FireRain
Edited by: Ribe is FireRain
Teen for themes.

PS: Mystery tag is added because it seems fitting, given some questions asked, and for the nature of this fic.

(I can already tell, people are gonna have some hate towards me for one of the lines in this story...)

Chapters (1)

An artifact causes an incident where Luna's gender switches, and she becomes prince instead.

Evidently, Luna turned out to be a handsome prince. Now having to deal with confused and judging nobility, lots of mares vying for the Prince's affection, the paparazzi eager to get more scoops on the new lunar prince, and a sister who seems to want the prince to stay judging by how she sees the entire situation hilarious, along with her pranks and quips, Luna will have to work hard with Twilight to solve the mystery of Starswirl's Sphere and hope that she can return back to a normal life.

Art by jaquelindreamz.

Originally written by Kuairu.

Chapters (3)

Rumble has a special gift for Scootaloo's birthday. Now he just has to tell her about it.

Edited by Noble Thought

Cover art: Child's Love by IslaMilenaria

Chapters (1)